Been terribly busy as of the late, so do pardon these long delayed posts. With the hectic work schedules to juggle, personal commitments and social activities preferred, one has to find ways to remain grounded and happy.
This night went bad with me losing 2 of the 3 games I played in. And note: I only was part of one game that won thanks to Jeanette who played exceptionally well that night. Her control of the racket and shuttlecock was simply something to look forward to learning.

I really look hideous, exposing my arms like that. Had I had more manly and well-built arms, perhaps, I could have worn that muscle tee with pride. But it being a gift from friends, it would have been more insulting not to wear it. Maybe if I keep busy with such activies, someday my arms would be worth showing off even while wearing a tux.
error notice: Its WYHAN not Wynhan. Eek. Pardon the error in the image!
Met up after work with Wyhan to journey all the way to Malate and host a d20 game for them. After warning them of my preferrence for rules-lite games, I ran them a story which began with interesting start-up stories on how their characters began and lead it to an encounter with some female elves that were desperate to continue their dying out line.

After escaping their "jewel" grabbing clutches, the party arrives at a halfling town and there forms the party with the daughter of the elven queen and a halfling priest whom she rescued. Their hi-jinx lead to their accidentally slaying a kobold Paladin who had been used as a distraction by an evil shapechanging elven sorceror, the father of the elven warrior, and finally, a trapped encounter with the elves returning to see thier sorceror-king dead.
Confusing? A tad. But it would make more sense if you ask the players.
Feeling a tad depressed and down, Isha suggested I join her for some time climbing. Though originally we planned to go wall-climbing, we opted instead to have fun among the Balete's in U.P. Diliman's Lagoon and climbed the trees.

After a few laughs, trading stories about psychic history and dogs, we opted to go around the campus a bit, struggling against muddy soil, witnessing acts of sexual abandon, navigated around a rally against PGMA and visited the Fine Arts building to check out what plates were on display.
Getting hungry, we opted for some food along Katipunan and there witnessed a few shocking moments (yep, that's the best way to say it) before opting to make our way home when the rain finally stopped. Having been feeling under the weather since the night before (after the game with Wynhan and BennyLee's group) I found myself at last laughing and smiling again thanks to Isha. So THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! And I swear, start truly calling me Manong Tobie and I shall have that website made for you. You know which one I mean.
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