Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Day 3
Its another cold morning.
The starts with a wake-up call from Popay Ranada, an old friend of mine who lives in Sherman Oaks. Hoping to set up a meet. Probelm is, she's all the way down Sherman Oaks and I'm here stuck in the Valley.

So I bend over my bed, grabbed the lap top and started checking Yahoo! Maps and MTA.net.

So I searched for the major intersections and typed in the zip codes and what nots. Estimated distance of trip was 14 miles. Estimated travel time was 20 minutes. Okay. .that doesn't sound to bad right? This is one of the things I really REALLY like about Los Angeles. The fact that they have maps on how to get around that ACTUALLY WORK. I mean, in the Philippines, street names change so fast and so frequently it is plain and simply annoying! And then you got all them one-ways, no-exit roads that don't make sense existing. And the added annoyance of stupid policemen who don't know the roads, and non-existent road signs that are supposed to give you the name of the road your at.

Hay... Manila talaga.

So now I'm off to the showers. Gotta get changed fast.

Am excited as hell and I have no idea exactly how cold it is going to be tonight. Well, one thing is for sure, I'm going to be enjoying the Los Angeles night sky tonight. And possibly the company of an old friend. Maybe if I get back soon enough, I can tell you about the Philippine Fencing Team in Los Angeles. A small ditty of an anecdote that happened day one of my trip here. Its a riot.

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