Monday, July 21, 2003

Today's Frustration
What the fuck is with all these people who allow themselves to be taken by the surge of hype? Gosh, everything from the new cellphone models, Ragnarok Online, stupid fashion statements and F4... it seems some people just don't have what it takes to truly see the bigger picture.

There are a lot of things out there made with just as much if not even more hard work and effort who don't get the benefits of hype who suffer each time this happens. There are a lot of wasted hours and broken promises that emerge when hype is permitted to take over.

"Why make a fuss? Having fun isn't an obligation."

No it isn't, but neither is letting others trample over your efforts and time just because they want to join the fucking bandwagon.

I'm not saying don't do what you want. I'm not saying ignore F4. I'm not saying Ragnarok Online doesn't deserve being checked out. Or played. I'm not saying any of those things surging in hype are a waste of time. I'm not even making any attempt to pretend alternatives to hyped products are better.

I'm simply saying riding the hype has consequences.
And sad but true, you can't really trust your friends to realise their blind embrace of hype can hurt those close to them.

Hype sucks.
Its a great disguised fucking means to test your patience and bonds between friends.
And I see mine have been tested well.

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