A loooong day
..and it ain't over yet.
Still here at work and its already 5:20a.m. simply due to the sheer amount of work I have to tackle. Today marks my first day of handling a solo project as artist, producer and presentor. And guess what, it ain't over yet. The commercial template I am working on has four variations, and each variation has two versions. So far, finished one variation (with its Now Available and Coming Soon versions). That leaves three to go. Whew... And to make matters worse, my next work date is tomorrow at 10:00p.m. til 2:00a.m.
And I'm not even getting paid more for this other than my usual over-time and night differential benefits.
To keep sane, I opted to spend my free hour working on a comic. Finished four new spanking pages for my Bangungot online comic. Check them out and make me smile with a compliment, why don'tcha?
Had to turn down a lunch with Elbert Or tomorrow (he wanted to meet up, catch up on old times and get the comic pages I made for our collaboration) simply due to the fact I might NOT wake up for it. Sigh.
And to make things worse, I have been a disappointment time and time again to the people who mean the most to me.
What else can make things worse I wonder.
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