So, it is 4:15p.m.
I got enough sleep.
I haven't had any cigarettes since yesterday, so this is my official first 24 hours.
I haven't eaten either.
Wisdom Tooth needed two extra x-rays and now I think I have a better idea why. My dentist has opted to recommend a different person handle it, so I'm now waiting to hear from the other dentist as to when it will be. For the mean time, that does mean I can head back to work. Just have to ignore the pain.
I haven't been taking pain killers. I dunno, I just don't like them. Admittedly, I don't like drugs in general so yeah whether it is recreational or medicinal, if I could skip it, I would. Some friends have suggested I try this or that dentist, with discussions going as high as 25k for the extraction. "At least it will be painless," one even suggested. I dunno. That's a LOT of money. And I mean a LOT. Somehow, I rather be paid that to endure pain.
Over all things are in a bog of blah. I'd love to say more about the political state of affairs, but I rather not do something "illegal." I will say this however, October 3 is definitely a day that I will regret having as part of our Nation's history. Just utterly embarrassing and sad.
I miss waking up to find food waiting for me. I miss being nudged awake with kisses and a passionate bout of love-making. I miss feeling important and watched over. I miss being able to game and not feel like I was imposing my hobby on someone else. I miss dancing with the one I love at a club. I miss prepping that person's drink and making sure it always was cold. I miss not having to go to a fucking motel just to get my rocks off. I miss being able to say "I am home" and feel I really am home.
I miss being able to say, "I am happy. And I already found the rest of my life. So move on, this guy ain't someone you're going to taste" and know it is absolutely true.
Maybe I should just keep smoking.
At least I was less dramatic when I did.
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