Ricardo was not certain how long he was unconscious. He felt the warm touch of blood upon his temple and tried to will the throbbing pain away. The smell of smoke and smoldering rubber hung in the air. It was a nightmare, but unlike most nightmares this one was set during the day. Sunlight streamed in through the broken windows and the shattered windshield. His chest was still sore from the seatbelt.
Somewhere within the vicinity, a woman was screeching. Over and over her shrill cry called out for help. Ricardo felt the need to find a way to help her, but his vision remained muddled from the accident he had just survived. The car had been flipped upside down. Ricardo remembered the events leading to the accident.
It was the wee hours of the morning when it began for Ricardo. On his way home from work, Ricardo was driving his red vios down EDSA. Dodging slow vehicles and reckless buses, he was anxious to get home to his condo unit at Cubao when it happened.
Just as he descended from the overpass near Camp Crame, a bus suddenly swerved into Ricardo’s lane from the far right side. With his hands clamped down on the steering wheel, Ricardo struggled to regain control over his car only to have a truck on the left lane slightly ahead of him suddenly come to a full stop. The car slammed on the edge of the truck and tumbled towards its right side. Broken glass exploded all around Ricardo, miraculously missing his face.
Hanging upside down in the battered vehicle, Ricardo felt consciousness slip away.
Read the whole chapter at
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