A friend of mine named Alvin is really one of a kind. Although he's now based in the United States, he makes it a point to keep in touch. Probably at least once every two weeks or so, Alvin sends me a voice mail message through his cellular phone to my Yahoo! e-mail to listen to. Most of the time it would be a few greetings for me and for our mutual friends. Occasionally, it would include an anecdote or a short tidbit on how his life's been going. Ultimately, its a nice gesture which I try to return by chatting with him on YM! whenever I possibly can catch him online. When I was in Los Angeles a few months back, Alvin actually flew to Los Angeles from San Francisco to catch up on old times and hang out. How's that for a friend who really shows you you're important to him.
Alvin, thank you for being a really nice and sweet friend.
And yes, I will definitely contact you when I get another chance to hang out with you again in the United States.
I only hope I am just as much a good friend to you as you are to me.
New word for the Month:
Learn it and be aware.
Read about it. You might be suffering it and not know it.
it's always great to have friends like that. am sure you will take good care of it. :)