Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Male Confessions launch was held yesterday in Eastwood. Only Paolo Paraiso showed up. Talk about an event falling apart. Here's hoping the ones who set it up didn't lose their jobs.


Well, turns out my office-mate is definitely not single. Too bad. Well, could have been worse eh? Back to just enjoying every day at a time alone with my friends and family.

Turns out one of my office-mates has a blog too. Well, actually a live journal. It was kind of interesting to see those days he marked with blind item comments on "idiotic co-workers." I wonder if he realises how much those comments he posts sound at times exactly how many co-workers view him? Its sad really. Near-sightedness can be deadly.

I have decided to stop eating twice a day. And if possible limit the rice to one meal per day too. No its not a diet. Its to accomodate my growing taste for beer.

Flying to Los Angeles this May. Tempted to stay longer than a month, though I doubt I can.

I'm partly tempted to start either a Vampire: The Requiem tabletop game or try for another history spanning game but this time have it touch on different (old) World of Darkness critters. Knowing my gamers, they'd pick the second one.

Need to earn up very soon. Bone and Ivory is coming this week. Forsaken in the next. Argh!!!

I'm not angry at my friend anymore. But I don't want to contact him again anytime soon. Or else I'd just find myself wanting to make his life better, seeing how he doesn't deserve it all over again, and just having another fight. Either I learn to ignore him and just be a detached friend or he wakes up to what the hell he's really doing to his life. And to the lives of those who care for him.

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